Instant Enlightenment


Enlightenment is a natural process for those who can recover their natural abilities. Because you have been led away, many “natural abilities” seem unnatural to you.

Instant Enlightenment2023-12-11T22:05:20-08:00

Tuning Your Dreams


I can teach you how to wake up. It’s the way to fulfillment, but the path won’t be clear. Therapeutic dreaming is a process of waking up.

Tuning Your Dreams2023-12-03T22:46:02-08:00

We Need More Hypnosis


This post is about our essential ability to change state and perception. At its root, this is what hypnosis is: the phototaxis of consciousness.

We Need More Hypnosis2023-12-03T02:20:18-08:00

Relearning to Sleep


You can train your brain to function better during sleep. It’s a process of tuning down habitual tension and separating yourself from habitual conflict.

Relearning to Sleep2023-12-03T02:32:39-08:00

Science and Memory in the Body


"Different parts of our body have their own personality and memory. Memory works when the attitudes and objectives of these parts are in harmony, and it fails when there is discord. You struggle to recall

Science and Memory in the Body2023-12-03T02:54:25-08:00
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