On Dreams, Consciousness, and Insanity (podcast)
Lincoln Stoller2025-01-30T10:23:27-08:00Exploring the way our brains through science, plant medicine, native tribes, and dreams.
Exploring the way our brains through science, plant medicine, native tribes, and dreams.
You’re not your cognitive thoughts. You’re not your ideas. You are what you’re brain responds to.
I encourage everyone to learn about brain training. It’s a critical means of getting your life in order.
We make the mistake of equating personal time with physical time.... To make time move more slowly, return to being a younger person.
A large part of who we are depends on how our minds work, rather than what our minds think.
I encourage my clients to build a solid brain-function foundation, and for this I’m leaning toward easy, brainwave training.
Enlightenment is a natural process for those who can recover their natural abilities. Because you have been led away, many “natural abilities” seem unnatural to you.
I can teach you how to wake up. It’s the way to fulfillment, but the path won’t be clear. Therapeutic dreaming is a process of waking up.
An exploration of the three components of personal change: rationality, emotion, and awareness.
This post is about our essential ability to change state and perception. At its root, this is what hypnosis is: the phototaxis of consciousness.
With caution against excessive immersion, action video games can help us learn, focus, and multitask.
You can train your brain to function better during sleep. It’s a process of tuning down habitual tension and separating yourself from habitual conflict.