Learning, growth, achievement, altered states, sleep, synchrony, & transformation.
Mentor, coach, counselor, therapist, toy maker, & consultant
Books, articles, products, & therapeutic services
Prepare, Explore, Integrate
The triad of positive neuroplasticity, expanded states of consciousness, and emotion-based therapies offer effective paths to personal growth and social change.
I combine them for a complete approach.
Psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, sleep therapy & neurofeedback
are covered by most insurance providers as “counselling.”
Call your provider to check for coverage. I am certified by the
Canadian College of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists
Member # 3115
Clients of all backgrounds and issues, focusing on change and stability.
When you’re finished with the single-modality therapists, I will pull it all together.
Hi L, Your capacity to care and support is amazing.
— CB
I have been asked by Lincoln Stoller to write about his work, his brilliant ideas, and the help he is able to give. His thoughts often help those who are looking to become more sure of themselves and find optimism as well as joy. If you do not take some time to study and read his works, you will miss out on this way of growth and understanding of your own self.
Joining his small groups and reading his ideas will induce creative thoughts and open new insights. Get what is available from Lincoln. Even his voice has healing tones and helps clear confusion and pain. Those looking for self change will be glad to take in what Lincoln has to share. Your peace and health can be improved.
Best wishes to all, Ann Hallock, LCSW, ret.
Dr. Lincoln Stoller
PhD physicist, CHt hypnotherapist, CCPCPr clinical counselor, neurofeedback trainer, researcher in neuropsychology.
Entrepreneur in software and business automation, cultural ambassador, adventurer, and author.
Mountaineer, paraglider, sailboarder, pilot, scuba diver, snowboarder, solo climber.
Life is a keyboard, compose!
Schedule an appointment
Neurofeedback tunes brain rhythms, awareness, focus, and clarity.
You are limited by how well your brain works.