Collaborative Dreaming (podcast $)
Lincoln Stoller2025-01-12T20:10:06-08:00Dreams go right to emotion. Tey can take you to levels of feeling you’ll never reach by talking.
Dreams go right to emotion. Tey can take you to levels of feeling you’ll never reach by talking.
Ancillary characters playing a minor role in your dreams offer you an opportunity to understand and influence the dream.
Dreams are an opportunity to understand yourself, if you take them seriously.
Talking about dreams, sleep, change, growth, and how to use your state of mind to fortify your being.
Dreams are not meant to conclude. They’re not meant to pull things together. They’re meant to pull things apart.
While we cannot reduce dreams to symbols, we can reduce them to threads whose “meaning” lies in the patterns they weave.
If your intellect draws your focus, and your emotions motivate you, then dreams are your recollection of who you are.
Are these boundaries good and helpful? Do you believe them?
Just as there are many false religions, there are false sciences. There's a foolproof clue to identifying them: money.
I can teach you how to wake up. It’s the way to fulfillment, but the path won’t be clear. Therapeutic dreaming is a process of waking up.
It may be correct to say that the first and last step in becoming a master craftsman of the mind is recognizing the fluid nature of reality. It is both a prerequisite for playing a constructive role in developing your identity, and it is a powerful tool for reshaping your dreams.
Dreams are a way of thinking different from that of our conscious mind but not formless or lacking in goal. We can navigate closer to the well-spring of our thoughts.