Dreams For Life
Lincoln Stoller2023-12-03T02:02:40-08:00Dreams are your peek into the solar system of your personality. They are a dynamic astrology in which you can play a role. This is the goal of dreamwork.
Dreams are your peek into the solar system of your personality. They are a dynamic astrology in which you can play a role. This is the goal of dreamwork.
Half of understanding your dreams rests on how well you know yourself, the other half on what you hide.
For those who want good sleep but won't put themselves at risk to get it, my sleep class is an iron fist in a silk glove.
My book "The Path To Sleep, Exercises for an Ancient Skill," is now in print and available. Listen to a sample chapter: Rhythms in the Body.
I’m feeling the panic, I have a situation, I have a resolution, but I don’t have a conclusion, and I’ve run out of time. Here is what I do in my hypnopompic state: I begin by sitting with it and then I go beyond that.
How do you get what you don’t have? The question of how you become more aware from a less aware state requires something that you do not yet have. This is a healthy spiritual exercise.
Discover the clarity that emerges from approaching sleep through relaxation, imagination, and emotion.
Considering the role of your mind in the nature of your sleep.
You can train your brain to function better during sleep. It’s a process of tuning down habitual tension and separating yourself from habitual conflict.
A surge of interest in the consequences of poor sleep has gotten people worried about what is perceived to be a growing epidemic.
"I have created a guided visualization to connect you with your liver. The purpose is to gain a perception of yourself and your environment viewed from a place where clarity and purity are paramount..."
"Spontaneous fainting, an unexplained phenomenon, is a clue to the nature of consciousness... I guess 30% of us will instantly "faint" with nothing more than a touch and a few quick words. It's called 'rapid induction'..."