I was sitting on a bench with a dream character while lucid dreaming. I turned to them and calmly said, ‘I’m dreaming.’ The character continued to look straight ahead and said, ‘I know. Me too.’ I think about it to this day.”
— comment on the Reddit r/LucidDreaming Forum

Ancillary characters playing a minor role in your dreams offer you an opportunity to understand and influence the dream. These characters are relative bystanders, like theatrical extras in a drama being put on for your benefit.

Because these characters play narrowly defined roles, they can react spontaneously and, in doing so, provide a perspective that differs from what’s being shown in the dream. They rarely have much to say or the ability to say anything at all, but their responses will be illuminating if you take the right actions.

You are not the only person who lives in your head. You may think so, but your autonomy is a figment of your imagination. You are an artificial intelligence, but you are not the only one inside you. You are just the most widely capable one. There are others who are more adept at putting ideas together. They are the source of your ideas and your dreams, and you would hardly recognize them.

Dreams Make You What You Are

Dream Invitation to Alternatives

Would You Like Some Ice Cream?

Are You Fully Lucid Now?

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