Learning at the Feet of the Master
Lincoln Stoller2024-02-24T15:31:40-08:00Interoception is your awareness of the internal functions of your body. You’re only as clear about your future as you are grounded in your body.
Interoception is your awareness of the internal functions of your body. You’re only as clear about your future as you are grounded in your body.
A guided visualization that directs you to step out of your conscious mind to recreate the childhood that we all wanted. To Listen To These Posts, Goto My Podcast Page Goto A Secure
An introduction to proactive interoceptive training, and training of the large intestine.
There are different kinds of understanding so there must be different kinds of empathy.
Enhance your body’s recuperative efforts during sleep by deepening your interoceptive sense of the autonomic processes of your lymphatic system.
“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche The quackery of medicine and basic things to do to boost your immunity.
You might think it silly to ask, “Who is at home?” with regard to anyone’s personality, but I disagree. When someone asks something of you, where does your answer come from?
Emotional Intelligence requires feeling, not intellect. It’s the manipulation of emotion that’s done using awareness.
I will write a book called Introspection that will encourage readers to explore new perceptions within their bodies.
“You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.”— Bilbo Baggins, from The Lord of the Rings
"Spontaneous fainting, an unexplained phenomenon, is a clue to the nature of consciousness... I guess 30% of us will instantly "faint" with nothing more than a touch and a few quick words. It's called 'rapid induction'..."
"Over the years I’ve read much about lucid dreaming, but I’ve been frustrated that it’s mostly portrayed as an amusement park ride. Surely, there has to be more to it than spectacle and entertainment..."