High Performance Therapy I: A Sense of Lacking
Lincoln Stoller2024-10-15T09:23:00-07:00Personal value is an issue of self worth... Can we really prove ourselves, and to whom should we appeal?
Personal value is an issue of self worth... Can we really prove ourselves, and to whom should we appeal?
I might become a great writer if I focused on writing, rather than the ideas I convey.
All of your problems reflect absent self-awareness, just as your successes are the result of it.
The most important things we need to learn are the things we cannot see. How do we learn about such things? I suspect the first thing you must do is to grow larger in order to see more.
A co-creative relationship must have three elements: congruence, unity, and purpose. I have three counseling relationships that demonstrate this dynamic at three different levels...
One of the greatest uses of AI will be to force people to examine human intelligence.
A.I.-based depth analysis will revolutionize observational psychology which will be more based more on extracted information, and less on behavior.
Schools should be limited to teaching trade skills. The old public school model is a zombie. It’s dangerous and should be dismantled.
Using sense and imagination as a path to amplified personal experience. To Listen To These Posts, Goto My Podcast Page Goto Building Your Hypnotic Imagination “Attempts have been
Could it be that human beings simply do not have the brains to be a successful species?
Lincoln Stoller and Ed Watters explore the intersection of mental, emotional, and physical health, sharing insights gained from The Learning Project.
I’ve jumped into the Kickstarter world for my next book, Operating Manual for Enlightenment. Be a sponsor!