Lincoln Stoller, PhD, CHt, CCPCPr
Diplomas, Trainings, and Certificates
2022, Certified Canadian College of Professional Counsellor & Psychotherapist (Candidate, member #3115) 2022, Degree in Clinical Counselling, Kelowna School of Professional Counselling 2017, Certified Scrum Master, through Scrum Alliance (software project management) 2016, Certified Hypnotherapist with Monica Geers Dahl, International Medical and Dental Hypnosis Association 2015, Certified Hypnotist with Richard Nongard, International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy 2015, Past Life Regression Technology with David Quigley, Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis 2015, Basic Hypnosis training with Scott Sandland, Hypnosis Practitioner Training Institute 2015, Past Life Regression Training with Linda Backman, Ravenheart Center 2014, Deep PEAT process for resolving spiritual polarities, with Vladimir Stojakovic 2006-2009: – LENS Neurofeedback Training at Stone Mountain Center, Tilson, New York, – EEG Institute Basic Neurofeedback Training, Woodland Hills, California. – The Enhancement Institute, Clinical Neurofeedback Training, Houston, Texas. 2002, Private Pilot, Glider. 2000, PADI Advanced Open Water, Dry Suit, and Rescue Scuba Diver. 1985, PhD in physics, the University of Texas at Austin, TX. 1984, B. Allan Mackie School of Log Building 1978, BA at Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, and U.C. at Berkeley, CA. 1972, Mentoring in Alpinism with Chic Scott (France), and Lief-Norman Patterson (Canada). 1971, International School of Mountaineering with Dougal Haston (Switzerland). |
2018-present, Private Practice in Medical Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Sleep Therapy, in Victoria, BC, Canada. 2015-present, Assessing Editor, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, The Institute of Mind and Behavior. 2015-present, Coordinator, Spiritual Mentoring Project. 2007-present, President, Mind Strength Balance, Inc., neurofeedback, hypnosis, and research. 2021-2022, Volunteer Roots To Thrive, Ketamine-assisted Therapy. 2014-2017, Volunteer Health Care Provider, Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community. 2003, Grant Coordinator, Mongolian Throat Singing Project, in association with U of Indiana, and the Asian Cultural Council. 1988-2016, President, Braided Matrix, Inc., business management and automation software. 1986-1987, Post Doctoral Appointment in Quantum Chemistry with Dr. Richard Friesner, UT at Austin, TX. 1985-1986, Welch Foundation Fellow in Physics, UT at Austin, TX. 1975-1976, Research Assistant in Astronomy with Dr. Charles H. Townes, U.C. Berkeley, CA. |
Publications and Professional Presentations
Aerobiology |
A Proposed Diatom Stratospheric Life Form, in Clinical Investigation (2023), 13 (3), p. 382-394. (PDF version) and J. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research (2024) 6 (1), p 1-14. (PDF version) |
Astronomy |
Observation of the J=5->6 Rotational Spectrum of NH3 in Jupiter and its Comparison with Expectation of Model Atmospheres, with L.T. Greenberg, R. McLaren, C.H. Townes, in Symposium on Recent Results in Infrared Astrophysics (1977), P. Dyal (Ed.) | |
Aviation |
Selection of Off-Field Landing Sites, in Technical Soaring (October 2006), 30(4), p.90. | |
Computer Science |
US Patent #5,740,427 for Modular automated account maintenance system (1998). Managing Multiple Record Entries – Parts I, Part II, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1993), 2(2), pp.31-34 & 2(3), pp.34-38. Implementing a Multi-Window Choice List in Version 3, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1993), 2(1), pp.1-5 Working Toward Step One, a Method for Deriving a 4D File Structure, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(5), pp.39-46 Group to Group Relations, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Maintainable Code – Part 1: Naming Conventions, Part 2: Clarity, Part 3: Stable Code, Part 4: Modularity, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1993), 2(4), pp.31-35, 2(5), pp.13-16, 2(6), pp.31-35,. A Temporary Subrecord Method for Entering Related-Many Records, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Standards for Modular Programming in 4D, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Database Accounting 101a, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Structure of Accounting Systems: How to Store Accounts, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Accounting the OO and RDB Way – Part 1: Concepts, Part 2: Methods, Part 3: Appplication, in Dimensions, Journal of the 4th Dimension Environment (1992), 1(4), pp.15-19. Accounting Transactions – Part 1: Debits & Credits, Part 2: Cash Transactions, Part 3: Batch Processing, Part 4: Invoices |
Hypnotherapy |
Past Life Regression Therapy, (Spring & Summer 2023). Unlimited Human! The Strange Case of Medical Hypnosis, (Fall 2022). Unlimited Human! Emotional Ignorance, (Summer 2022). Unlimited Human! Psychedelics and Hypnotherapy, (Fall 2021). Unlimited Human! Welcoming the Abnormal Hypnotic State, (Summer 2021). Unlimited Human! Trust as the Foundation of Therapy, (Fall 2020). Unlimited Human! Fantasy Regression, (Spring & Summer 2020). Unlimited Human! The Path To Sleep, Exercises for an Ancient Skill, (2019). Available in print, digital, and audiobook form on Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping & Waking Life, (2019). Available in print, digital, and audiobook form on Becoming Lucid, (Fall 2019). Unlimited Human! EEG Enhanced Hypnotherapy, (Spring 2019). Unlimited Human! Beyond the Hypnotic State, (Summer 2019). Unlimited Human! Free Hypnosis, (Summer 2018). Unlimited Human! It’s Not About Hypnotizability, (Fall 2017). Unlimited Human! A Brain in Hypnosis, (Summer 2017). Unlimited Human! Perceiving Nature, (January 10, 2017) published at Spiritual Regression: Facing the Obstacles that Prevent Our Own Evolution, (September – October 2015). Healthy You Magazine. |
Learning |
The Learning Project, Rites of Passage (2019), digital and printed copies at, free on-line version HERE. Spiritual Mentoring Workshop Outline, at the AERO Conference. May 2015, LIU Pace University, New York. Connecting Young People to Spiritual Mentors, (2015). Hudson Valley Parenting Blog Schooling, Teaching, Talking and Being (June 11, 2012) published at Open Journals, Something Good to Report (February 18, 2012) published at Sorcery for Scientists, (October 21, 2011) published at Woodstock Education Collaborative (2005), in Education Revolution (Winter/Spring 2005), #40 |
Neurofeedback Therapy |
Alpha-theta-based Clinical Outreach (2017). In Collura, T.F. and Frederick, J.A., Handbook of Clinical QEEG and Neurotherapy, p. 464-474. New York: Routledge, New York. Neurofeedback: Personal Training for the Brain (January – February 2015). Healthy You Magazine All That Matters Is Your Flexibiity, Balance and Sensitivity, presentation at Project Renaissance’s Double Festival, May 2011, Pasadena, MD Preventative Psychotherapy: Using Neurofeedback as “Enlightenment’ Training, presentation at ISNR, Sept. 2011, Carefree, AZ Neurofeedback Changes the Unconscious Mind, keynote presentation at Vancouver Island Health Authority Annual Conference: Addiction Medicine for Family Physicians and Psychiatrists, March 2010, Courtenay, BC, Canada. Neurofeedback, Growth, and Habit (April 9, 2010), published at Neurofeedback and Ayahuasca: A More Effective Program for Personal Growth (December 2, 2009), published at |
Neuroscience |
Z-Score, Combinatorics, and Phase Transitions, in Journal of Neurotherapy (2011), 15(1), pp. 35-53. Making Sense of Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback, in Neuroconnections (Summer 2010), p.19. Unification of Language and Neural Structure in Color Vision, with S. Kane, in Folia Linguistica (1987), XXI / 2-4, pp.119-141. |
Physics |
Kinematical Problem in Spin-Wave Theory, in International Journal of Physics (1987), 26(8), pp.755-786. Low-Temperature Results of the Statistical Theory of Noninteracting Spin Waves, in International Journal of Physics (1987), 26(8), pp.787-804. Critical Behavior of Noninteracting Spin Waves, in International Journal of Physics (1987), 26(8), pp.805-826. A New Approach to Quantum Spin-Systems: the Critical Properties of a Heisenberg Ferromagnet, in Journal of Statistical Physics: Proceedings of Frontiers of Quantum Monte Carlo Conference, Los Alamos (1985), 43 (5/6), pp.879-881. |
Psychotherapy |
Psychedelics, Therapy, and the Law: the Risks and Pitfalls of the Emerging Industry of Psychedelic Medicine, (Dec. 8, 2020) Psychedelic Frontier (PDF version HERE.) Changes in Cognitive Control Following a Novel Resilience-Focused Nursing Educational Program: An Exploratory Study, (2022) Quality Advancement in Nursing Education, 8 (2) (PDF version HERE.) Becoming Lucid, Self-awareness in Dreams and Waking Life, (2019, Print, Audio, and E-Book.) The Path to Sleep, Exercises for an Ancient Skill, (2017, Print, Audio, and E-Book) ADHD as Emergent Institutional Exploitation, (2014). The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 35 (1 & 2), pp.21-50. |
Travel & Exploration |
Three Books on Mt. McKinley, in The American Alpine Journal (1994), 36, pp.304-307. The Indian’s Apprentice: Learning to Build the Dugout Canoe, in Wooden Boat Magazine (1987) 4, pp.27-33. A New Route on Mt. Fairweather, in Canadian Alpine Journal (1974) 57, pp.68-69. |
Other Accomplishments |
1980 Solo, 3 attempts, no success, NW Ridge, Mt. Aspiring (5.3, Grade VI). Southern Alps, New Zealand 1976 Free solo, Nabot-Léon Route (TD) – Red Pillar, Aiguille de Blaitière, Haute-Savoie, France 1976 Free solo, Swiss Route (TD) – North Face of Les Courtes, Haute-Savoie, France 1975 First Ascent S.E. Spur of Mt. McKinley, Alaska Range, Alaska. 1974 Salathé Wall (5.9 C2, Grade VI), El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California 1973 First Ascent S.W. Ridge of Mt. Fairweather, Glacier Bay, Alaska. |
The Learning Project, Rites of Passage, (2019). At
The Path To Sleep, Exercises for an Ancient Skill, (2019). At
Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping & Waking Life, (2019). At
COVID-19: Illness & Illumination, A Hypnotic Exploration (2020). At
Becoming Supergenius, Part I: The Outside World (2021). At
Becoming Supergenius, Part II: The Inside World (2021). At
Sensations Thoughts and Emotions: Essays on Reality and Mental Health (2024). At
Operating Manual for Enlightenment: Recreating Your Mind (2024). At