Transform your experience, manifest your desires, and connect with your Spirit.

Lincoln Stoller, PhD, 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Episode 79 of Leanne’s Barefoot with Spirit Podcast: The Truth About Enlightenment.

About Lincoln

Lincoln has a PhD in quantum physics, is a certified hypnotherapist and clinical counselor, with publications in dozens of fields and focuses on aspects of mindful experience from the neurological and subconscious to the mathematical and collective.

About Leanne

The Barefoot Medium is an International Medium, Twin Flame, Transformational Coach & Author who is blessed and honoured to act as the bridge between you and your loved one(s) who have passed over to Spirit and be able to pass on their messages of support, peace, forgiveness, joy and love.

Learn more on Leanne’s website.

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