A basic explanation of a new mathematical model of thinking.

Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.”
― Isaac Newton

In this fourth and final installment in the Where Thoughts Come From series I want to give you some of the math that clarifies what’s going on and what good a mathematical description might do.

We’re building a theory of oughts. Oughts are bits of feeling, elements of ideas that amount to inclinations. They are the bits of an image that mean little on their own. They are the red of a sports car, the flash of the sun in our eyes, or our first impression when we step into a room but have not yet seen what’s in it.

If we can identify oughts, then we might categorize and simplify different thought structures. If we could identify which particular oughts contribute to particular states and behaviors, then we’d gain a general understanding of how our thoughts evolve.






The Logistic Equation

The Model of Thoughts


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