A trance-based, visually charged exploration of images, memories, and associations without goal, requirement, or standard for the purpose of opening to experiences you can’t remember, and lost understanding critical to your development.
Past Life Regression
“Past Life Regression” (PLR) is a trance-based, visually charged exploration of images, memories, and associations. This often seems at first to be an effort in story-writing but, as is the case for any great story, the story begins to write itself. PLR stories are often truly great, greater than you can imagine. They are stories you’ll never forget.
There is no goal, requirement, or standard. No regularity and no expectation. My role is to facilitate, and I do that by building frameworks for your memories, images, and sensations. I encourage things to coalesce, guard against dangers, and confirm your emotions. I can see meanings, options, and concordances that exist in the background and, if you ask, I can alert you to them.
I liken PLR to a journey into an unexplored cavern. I hold the rope that protects you as you climb down. I cannot see you and I cannot make decisions for you, but I judge the safety and direction from what you tell me, which I consider from a more everyday perspective. I provide support and counsel, and if I am uncomfortable I let you know and I protect you.
I know where we started, and I can find our way back, so that you don’t have to. You are free to get lost, and to discover. What you find is always authentic, whether either of us understand it or not. Usually I don’t understand it. Usually you do.
A remote PLR session consists of
- 50 minute remote, pre-session video call,
- 2.5 hour remote (online) regression,
- 50 minute, post-session video call follow-up,
- an audio transcript of the regression.
If you would like to do a regression in-person, then add an extra C$100 to cover the cost of a rented, private, woodland venue in Saanich, BC. For an in-person regression we do everything in a single 4-hour session.
For remote regression I recommend headphones and an external microphone. If you use the camera and microphone in your computer, you’ll need to position them close to you so I can hear you when you speak softly.
Note whether prices are list in US or CA dollars.
Prices can change without notice.
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