“I looked in temples, churches, and mosques, but I found the divine within my heart.”
— Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī
Politics works to establish a definitive direction and a unified narrative, while a scientific approach considers all alternatives. The scientific approach is more successful, and for that reason politics tries to appropriate science, but it cannot. Their methods are in conflict…
The sacred grows from a larger awareness. Awareness grows from the combination of disengagement from the old and the recognition of new patterns. New patterns make little sense, are chaotic, or seem empty, noisy, and confused… The sacred is not supernatural, it’s supra-natural.
Open and Shut Thinking
Beyond Open and Shut
Yourself and Others
The Tragedy of Knowing
We Get Who We Deserve
What is Sacred?
Being Too Pragmatic is an Oversight
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