[[NOTE: This post was written in 2013. Now, 6 years later, its predictions are coming to pass exactly. It is only within the last year that of the leading web platforms for internet marketing, Connect Kit, provides easy programming of small websites, built on hosted solutions and service-side data management.]]
“I used to wonder why the digital revolution seemed so stupid until I realized it isn’t a revolution, it’s a social theme. Computers allow us – as a culture – to be more of what we are, and faster. Technology is driven by demand, not supply, and reeks of consumption, profit, and entertainment.”
“This is why Microsoft dominates the world with a third-rate operating system, Apple’s success is based on telephones, Google’s vision is limited to commerce, and web programming is done with awful HTML and Javascript. I will tell you about the next step and what’s being done to implement it…”
To view this piece, click here.
yep, agree. For the recent years, 2 much attentions are put on the social and mobile part! But I guess it’s just a process (it’s still the childhood of the social network and mobile apps, it needs time to get maturer and do some really great and meaningful stuffs).